Springtime in Denton, Texas. The anticipation begins to build as I watch the spring storms roll in and back out, and the wildflowers bloom. It is the season of music on the square. For the twenty-fifth year, it is time for Denton Main Street Association to start their Twilight Tunes series.
Every Thursday evening beginning in April I leave work and head to the downtown square. From my car, I unload my wagon and fill it with camp chairs, a blanket, food and beverages and of course my camera to join other Dentonites on the courthouse lawn for fellowship and music. The festivities won't start for another hour and a half, but the band is setting up and there are already many of the regulars picking out their spots to call home for the evening. Some bring a full smorgasbord to display on their picnic blankets. Some stop off at neighboring restaurants, selecting wine and cheese from Wine Squared, pizza from J&J's, or brisket queso and chips from LSA. Others bring nothing more than themselves and plop down on a patch of grass.
As I'm checking the settings on my camera, I hear someone ask who is playing tonight. The Dancing Man answers, "It doesn't matter, as long as I can dance to it." Then he continues to lace up his Capezios. The announcements are made and the music begins to play. Everyone forgets about the chaos of life for a while and has a good time.
At the end of June, when the Texas sun begins to get too hot for outdoor activities, we check to see who will be at the fall series in October as we say our goodbyes. Come September, as the unbearable heat begins to subside, the anticipation begins again. This is what I love about Denton.